Unfortunately, the world is full of misinformation and disinformation, especially when it's related to Israel.
The Palestinian propaganda is very powerful. We hope we can convince you, and help you convince others, that Israel has a right to exist and that it isn't a terrorist apartheid state, like the media likes to present it as. And if not, we hope we can convince you to second guess the information you hear and see, and to really learn about the conflict and the history of Israel.
Most of the content in this page was taken from "Israel: A Simple Guide To The Most Misunderstood Country On Earth by Noa Tishby".
Anti Israel claims
Israel is an apartheid state
There has been an attempt to brand Israel as an apartheid state, similar to South Africa. This is infuriating. South Africa was a horrific regime with fierce segregation and discriminatory laws and no rights for its majority black population. Israel grants equal rights to all its citizens, including, of course, the 21 percent of citizens who are Arab. Arabs have been part of the Israeli government, Arabs serve in the IDF, and they are a part of the judiciary system, academia, entertainment, and medical fields-all of it. How can the government discriminate against Arabs, if Arabs are part of the government?!
The Palestinians indeed do not have the same Israeli rights as Israeli citizens, since they are not Israeli citizens. The Palestinians have their own government, army and police. To claim Israel should give Palestinians the right to vote is like allowing Mexicans to vote in the U.S elections.
There is certainly racism in Israel, like there is everywhere else in the world, but to call that apartheid is ridiculous and dangerous for the only democracy in the region.
So yes, Israel treats its Arabs differently. Unlike the countries around it, Israel gives its Arabs the equal rights to elect and be elected, to practice their religion, the LGBT rights, the right to health care and educational.
Jews came to Israel and took Palestinian land
It is simply incorrect to say that the land was ever an exclusively Palestinian state. In fact, no other nation that has controlled this land, excluding the Turks, the Jews, and the Brits, is even around! All of them are gone or ancient history! "Give the land back!" to who?
Jews are the only people who can date their inhabitance of the land back twenty-five hundred years and more (and, perhaps, the Canaanites, may they rest in peace). In fact, while very few, there were Jews who lived in Israel for those thousands of years.
In 1948, the UN gave both Jews and Arabs a land. The Jews accepted and the Arabs declined. The Arabs' first act was to declare war. They did, and they lost. Many Arabs suffered and still suffer greatly, but to blame only Israel is ridiculous.
Jews and Arabs and Palestinians have a rightful claim to the land. And all of them had an opportunity to live a flourishing life there, only some agreed to it.
Yes, Israel did take over territories in a defensive war, and then returned them in exchange for peace when that option was available. Israel gave up the entire oil-rich (and stunning) Sinai Peninsula, which is bigger than the State of Israel itself, in exchange for peace with Egypt. The Gaza Strip was handed back to the Palestinians, only for Israel to watch Hamas brutally take it over, killing both Palestinians and Israeli civilians. The West Bank is in limbo, and the living conditions for many Palestinians there are harsh and oppressive. There is enough blame to go around, but people cannot expect Israel to solve the problem without Palestinian leadership.
The Palestinians have a government, military and police. The only reason they aren't considered a country is because Israel keeps IDF presence there in order to ensure Israel's safety. And those who claim that Israel is still safe if they leave the West Bank, should take a look at what's happening in Gaza.
Gaza is an open air prison
In other words, Israel left Gaza and gave it the opportunity to have its own country, and the world is upset about that?
Yes, Israel closed its border to Gaza. Israel had to block Gaza from entering Israel. On October 7th the world saw what happens when Gaza has access to Israel. In fact, Egypt knows it as well. Egypt shares a border with Gaza, which they also don't allow crossing. If Egypt (another Arab state and the country in which Hamas was created) closed it's border to Gaza, how can you be upset at Israel for doing so? How can you be upset at Israel for not taking Palestinians, when not a single country in the world is willing to do so?!
Unequal warfare
There is an argument that Israel has an aggressive and oppressive military, far more advanced than Palestine's, and it has wielded unnecessary force in response to minor attacks. And, yes, it sometimes does. But think about what would happen if Canada launched missiles into Seattle or Mexico into El Paso. What is a "proportionate response" to thousands of missiles and hundreds of terrorist attacks on your hometown?
I assume that you don't actually want a "proportionate response". Cause a "proportionate response" would be that a few thousand IDF soldiers go into Gaza, kill, rape, burn and take hostage of as many citizens as they can. It would mean beheading innocent civilians(from 6 month old babies to 80 year olds), executing them, and abusing their bodies on video and sending it out from the victims phones.
Unequal death toll
A lot of hatred of Israel comes from people seeing the tragic casualties of Palestinians. Many people say something along the lines of "Way more Palestinians are killed than Israelis", and while they may be correct, it does not prove anything. Death toll may represent military strength(among many other factors), but it does not represent right and wrong.
During WW2 there were 70,000 Brits who died during the blitz bombing, and 2 million German civilians who died...does that make Nazi Germany the moral ones!?
Ethnic cleansing
Some people try to allege that the Jews in Israel engaged in systematic and preplanned ethnic cleansing of the Arab population. This is preposterous. There was and is no Israeli desire, systematic or otherwise, to eliminate the Arab or Palestinian people.
The media loves to blame Israel, when most of the time, the blame is on Palestinian organizations. For example, when rockets from the Islamic Palestinian Jihad hit a hospital in Gaza, the media blamed Israel for several days, and many outlets did not correct themselves after it was proven to be a failed rocket from within Gaza.
Unlike many Palestinian organizations, Israel only wants to kill the terrorists who try to destroy Israel and kill it's people. Israel tries its best to prevent civilian casualties, but unfortunately doesn't always manage. Hamas uses it's own citizens as human shields to blame Israel. They place their rockets and weapons in heavily populated places like hospitals and schools. Hamas cares more about killing Israelis, then it does about saving Palestinians. It does not serve the Palestinians, it serves Iran.
Ben Shapiro says "If Israel put down their guns tomorrow, there'd be a second Holocaust, if Palestinians put down their guns tomorrow, there'd be a Palestinian state".
Before the Holocaust there were 9 million Jews in Europe. 15 years later there were 3 million. That is genocide.
So let's check if genocide is what is going on in Gaza. 15 years ago the population of Gaza was 1.3 million. Now the population is 2.5 million. That certainly doesn't seem like genocide.
Israel has one of the strongest militaries in the world. If Israel had some interest in killing all of Gaza, it would easily do so in minutes without endangering a single soldier. Israel could flatten Gaza within minutes.
Israel with all its power, tries to protect all citizens. Hamas with its small amount of power breaks into Israel and kills whoever they can get their hands on. And yet Israel is blamed for genocide?!
Israel is like the Nazis
This is the worst of them all. Sometimes people say something along the lines of "It's ironic that Israel is doing what the Nazis did to them". This is the most horrific thing to say.
Comparing the cold blooded murder and torture of six million people, for simply being born into a Jewish family, to a state defending itself, is horrific!
The Nazis believed that every Jew needs to be murdered. The Nazis cared more about that, then winning WW2. Israel simply defends itself against terrorists (the ones that OFFICIALLY call for the slaughter of all Jews, and unfortunately do so).
The number of deaths alone shouldn't allow for comparing the two - a few thousand terrorists compared to six million innocent people!
Yes, there are often Palestinian casualties, which are often due to Hamas using them as human shields. Every war has civilian casualties (should we talk about the US bombing Japan with an atomic bomb?!) which is extremely unfortunate, and is prevented by Israel as much as it can by giving warnings. And maybe we can blame the people who actually started the war?!
But before calling anyone a Nazi, lets try to remember who actually calls for the slaughter of an entire group of innocent people. And let's remember who actually did that on October 7th.